Thursday, August 1, 2013

HTML: Tutorial 10 Making a text area for users to type in

  Hey how you doing? Ready to dive into some code!! Today's tutorial will be about making a text area so users can write comments. Many blogs have an area on the bottom where users can type into a text area to leave a comment. Ok open your text editor and type this code as always



Ok now to explain text area code, <textarea rows=" " cols=" "> textarea calls the function to make a text area box rows=" " and cols=" " is to tell what the size of the text area is going to be. After that you can put a default comment so that the user will know to type in the text area then you close the statment by putting </textarea> code. Ok now type in the code


<textarea rows="10" cols="30">
Type here....


Now save the file as textarea.html , then double click your file and it should come out looking like this
Ok now go ahead and type inside the box, cool right.  It's actually very simple to implement and used often when creating blogs or websites where you want to give users the chance to give feedback. Great work till next time!!